How do I balance the amount of description and dialogue and thoughts and things in my fiction? I feel like I go on a tear and overdo one way over the others for long passages.

How often do you approach the box where you keep your past works and revisit writing that was rejected to improve your writing now?

I want to be a writer. Should I major in English?

My hooman is normally quite considerate. But there are these times when he begins writing and forgets it is treat time! Please help!

How can I remain devoted to seeing a story through from start to finish?

When I write fiction, it feels too thin, more like the outline of a story or a script of one. How do I know how much detail to put in so it feels more like a real story?

How do you keep your larger writing projects organized?

After transitioning into a “creative” career, my writing output dropped off. What is your advice for good writer day jobs / careers that allow a fruitful healthy writing life?

How do you maintain balance and distance between what seems to be required of us as writers nowadays (promotion! community! etc.) and what writers typically need (silence, space, distance) in order to create and evolve?