Anonymous asks, “I feel sometimes that writing is harder for me than most other people who want to do it, and it makes me wonder if I’m really meant to be doing it at all.”

When you think about it, there are only four possibilities:
- God has accidentally given you the desire to write but not the ability, which makes him an idiot.
- God has purposefully given you the desire to write but not the ability, which makes him an asshole.
- God gave you both the desire and the ability to write and you should make the most of it.
- There is no God or other unifying intelligence to the universe and you might as well do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody.
The upshot of all of those possibilities? Write, either as an expression of your deepest human potential or as a rebellious middle finger to a capricious universe.
Whichever works for you.